i would rather not be turning 18 in 3 months. but as hard as i try to stop myself, in 3 months i will be 18. that's weird. so i wo...

i would rather not be turning 18 in 3 months.

but as hard as i try to stop myself, in 3 months i will be 18.

that's weird.

so i wonder..

what happened to the school nights when we should have been inside doing homework, but instead we were running around the cul-de-sac.  yelling and lee would yell at us to "cut it out" and we would just yell even louder.  what happened to the long freezing nights counting the stars on the tramp. where did the early mornings go when we would run into our parents room pleading with them to get up and come down stairs because some old fat guy had "visited" our house last night. When did "playing" turn into "hanging out".  When did zac and me (my 2nd grade crush) stop chasing each other round the play ground saying that we "liked" each other. when did coloring pages turn into, 4 paged double space times new roman, long boring essays on whether we thought we should have school uniforms or not (which we shouldn't because that would suck). where did the saturdays go when we didn't have to wake up at 6:30 to go take a 4 hour test that determined what we would do for the rest of our lives, and who we would become.  What happened to the days when we were aloud to be what ever we wanted when we grew up ( I wanted to be an astronaut.)  where did the days go when bringing a thermos to school was cool.   lets go back to the days when no one cared who was dressing the latest styles and wearing crocs was the popular thing to do. i wish i could go back to the nights when i would wake up at 2:37 a.m because i forgot to feed my nintendogs, not because your face is burned into the back of my eyelids and i cant sleep because i dream of when you said "its not working out".  i want to go back to the years when nothing mattered but the next sponge bob marathon that was about to come on.  or when the sun was the only thing that could bring us back in at night no matter how many times my mom would call us. lets go back to the days when the best memories we had were from what we did that day and not what we did a few weeks ago. 

i want to go back to the time when turning 18 in 3 months would've been exciting.  

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